How To Cost What You're Selling on eBay


One from the most essential locations of choice creating for sellers on eBay is "Pricing". Just how much ought to I sell my item (s) for? Think about the following concerns. And whenever you address these concerns usually ask your self the rationale behind your answers:

o Do you've an general pricing philosophy?

o What's it? (high finish, medium, or low finish)

o What are the characteristics from the individuals who will purchase at your eBay auctions?

o For what factors will they purchase at your auction? (for low costs, for convenience, for service, and so on.)

o How will you compute costs?

o When setting costs, will you take all your operating expenses into account? (such as your personal salary)

o Will your costs be "fair" towards the clients who will purchase at your eBay Auction?

o What does the term "fair" mean to you?

o Will you go to comparable auctions to check on your competitors costs

o Will you use odd costs ($4.95, $4.97, $9.95, $9.97 ) instead of even costs ($5.00, $10)?

Setting Your eBay Costs

Fair Costs - From your perspective fair ought to mean "your costs reflect your overhead operating structure" inside a way that enables you to earn a satisfactory profit with out profiteering i.e. overcharging the consumer.

You need to use selling cost = 100% calculations, with selling cost = price of goods + desired profit = 100%.

Odd Costs - Even though the influence of odd pricing on consumer behaviour might be overrated, there's one substantial cause to make use of this practice. Customers are much more most likely to think which you have planned your costs extremely cautiously and have worked difficult to help keep the costs as low as you possibly can.

Competitors Costs - When setting your costs you need to appear at comparable auction items and take a look at competitors to become certain that your costs are constant together with your pricing philosophy and also the marketplace location. Evaluation the notes you produced whenever you reviewed the Going, Going, Gone pages and collected initial hand info on what items are selling, the selling cost and also the quantity of bids;

Low Costs - Think about pricing your item(s) low to attract bidders particularly for those who have an item which you know or suspect will sell rapidly. Begin it off at $.01 to attract bidders.

Reserve Cost - When the item is useful and you realize it'll sell, you are able to location a Reserve Cost on it. This way you are able to nonetheless begin off your auction at $.01 to attract bidders but steer clear of creating a loss on the transaction.

eBay Category - Think about putting your item inside a non-conventional category to attract much more bidders along with a greater final cost. But make certain you do not violate any eBay Category Listing Policies.

Factoring in eBay Charges And Merchant Providers Charges inside your Costs

As a seller, you need to discover and comprehend concerning the kinds of charges you will spend to make use of eBay's tools. Also you have to know what charges PayPal or your selected merchant provider will charge to service your transactions. Fee kinds to understand and to think about when pricing your item(s):

o Insertion Charges: There's a non-refundable Insertion Fee for listing your item on eBay. Insertion Charges differ by the kind of listing;

o Image Services: In the event you use eBay Image Services, you will find various functions from which you are able to select. The very first image is Totally free;

o Final Value Charges: When your listing ends, you'll be charged a Final Value Fee according to the final sale cost (or "final value") from the item(s) you've sold;

o Listing Upgrades Charges: As a seller, you are able to select a number of optional functions to assist promote your listing. These charges are non-refundable;

o PayPal Charges: Sellers have the choice of listing with PayPal. PayPal charges Premier and Company accounts to obtain payments. Individual accounts are totally free, but might not obtain credit card payments. Charges are assessed in the time from the transaction and can be deducted from your PayPal account;

o Other Merchants: Charges are comparable to PayPal;

Decreasing eBay Charges as an Input Price

You are able to slightly decrease the eBay Insertion Charges and Final value charges by decreasing the auction cost of the item(s) and charging a handling fee particularly when the item you're selling is becoming delivered through a zipped file or file transfer e.g. software program download or eBook through e-mail.

eBay Policy Recommendations do permit the charging of reasonable shipping & handling Charges. BUT be aware from the eBay Fee Avoidance Policy which clearly states that Sellers should refrain from activity that circumvents eBay charges - such as the Listing of items inside a manner that allows circumvention of eBay charges and low costs but unreasonably high shipping or handling expenses.

Do not make a habit of overcharging your clients on shipping and handling expenses as this could affect your credibility and feasible repeat company. It is also unethical! You need to charge what it normally expenses you to pack and ship. This is really a grey area so be careful.

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